CV. Dua Putra Petir

Iron Supplier and Distributors In Surabaya With Regards, With Pleasure, We Will Introduce Our Company, Cv.Dua Putra Petir Company Engaged In The Business Of Trading Of Iron And Steel, Engineering Tools And Construction Materials Etc. Here Are The Products We Market Are:... Iron, Steel And Stainless Steel, Brass, Copper, Aluminium Composite Panel Etc. • Iron And Plain Concrete Screw, Black Plate, Hardox Plate, Semi Hardock Plate, Ship Plate, Plate Streep, Plate Hole, Landing Plates, Elbow, Wf, H-Beam, Gas Pipe ( Black) , Plumbing ( Galvanized) , Fire-Tubes, Pipe Boxes, Oval Pipes , Tetsura Stainless Steel Pipes, Spiral Pipes, Unp, Cnp, Inp, Elbows, Hollow, Stalbus, Railroads, Assental, Nako, Barbed Wire, Smooth Wire, Wire Gabions, Brc Fence, Expanded Metal, Wiremesh, Power Pole, Phone Pole , Lampposts, ( Of Various Brands And Sizes) Aluminium Composite Panel ( Acp ) Merk Alustar, Sevem, Alucobon Etc . Consultant Contractor, Fabrication And Erektion Etc. If You Are Interested In Our Products, Then Please Do Not Hesitate To Contact Us At Phone Number 031-8800026-27, 031-7406677, 082133555559, Or Fax: 031-7417127, And Hopefully This Introduction Could Create A Mutually Beneficial Relationship In The Future. For Your Attention And Cooperation We Say Thank You. Regards Herry Gusmara, S.Sos Director Dua Putra Petir, Cv " One Stop Shopping Building Material, Steel, Technic " Your Steel Partner Cv.Dua Putra Petir , Committed To Provide The Best Service And Strive For Customer Satisfaction Steel Is Our Deal We Are Looking Forward With Your Cooperation In The Future. Dua Putra Petir, Cv Engaged In The Iron Supplier Will Meet The Needs Of Contractors And Industry In The Country And Abroad. Mekami Njual: Concrete Iron, Plate, Elbow, Besiunp, Iron Wf, Nails, Bendrat, Plate At Competitive Prices, Cheaper Price, Factory Price And Good Quality, For The Needs Of Roads, Buildings, Factories, And Housing Concrete Iron Iso Certificate Deformed Bar Ts35-Ts40 And The Plain Tp24 Brands That We Provide, Iksji, Iks, Iksty, Officers With Full Tolerance To 0.2 - 0.3 Mm We Also Provide Iron Bjku Sni Brands That We Provide Include Ksls, Ksas, Kssk, Ksys, Ksi, Ksjk, Kssc Etc. Table Iron Sni: Iron 8 @ 12 Mtr = 4, 74Kg / Btng Iron 10 @ 12 Mtr = 7, 40Kg / Btng Iron 12 @ 12 Mtr = 10, 70Kg / Btng Iron 13 @ 12 Mtr = 12, 50Kg / Btng Iron 16 @ 12 Mtr = 19, 00Kg / Btng Iron 19 @ 12 Mtr = 26, 80Kg / Btng Iron 22 @ 12 Mtr = 35, 81Kg / Btng Iron 25 @ 12 Mtr = 46, 24Kg / Btng Brand Nails What We Provide Officers Packaging 30Kg / Carton Garuda Packaging 30Kg / Carton Number 1 Packaging 30Kg / Carton Pas 30 Packaging 30Kg / Carton Package Purchase Nails Nails Series 10-To-1 If You Are Interested, And Want To Know More About The Products We Offer, Gladly

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